Sponsors help underwrite the myriad costs of the production of the event, from light and sound, to the honoraria for the tellers, to making the Schoolhouse and its amphitheater more comfortable for the guests. Please see below for more information on sponsorship levels.
Contributions are made to the North Columbia Schoolhouse Cultural Center, a Nevada County non-profit arts center for over 30 years, and are tax deductible by the extent allowable under law.
We would love to have you on board as a sponsor!
2023 Sponsorship Form
Sponsorship Levels:
Mythic Circle
Program listing*
2 Tickets for Friday’s Opening Concert
Website listing with link to your website**
Sponsorship Certificate
Total Value: $200
Legendary Circle
Program listing*
4 Tickets for Friday’s Opening Concert
Your business ad in Program***
Your business logo on our website with an active link to your website**
Sponsorship Certificate
Total Value: $300
Children’s Concert
Program listing (*)
2 All Event Tickets
20 Children’s concert tickets donated to an organization of your choice
Your business ad in Program***
Your business logo on our website with an active link to your website**
Public acknowledgement during the Children’s concert
Sponsorship Certificate
Total Value: $450
Epic Circle
Program listing*
4 All Event Tickets
Your business ad in Program***
Your business logo on our website with an active link to your website**
Public acknowledgement during Saturday night’s concert
Sponsorship Certificate
Total Value: $750
Full Circle
Program listing*
4 All Event Tickets
Your business ad in Program***
Your business logo on our website with an active link to your website**
Public acknowledgement during Saturday night’s concert
Your business logo on our poster
Your business included in radio promotion
Sponsorship Certificate
Total Value: $1,000
Visionary Circle
Program listing*
8 All Event Tickets
Your business ad in Program***
Your business logo on our website with an active link to your website**
Public acknowledgement during Saturday night’s concert
A special banner at the raffle booth during the festival
Your business logo on our poster
Your business included in radio promotion
Underwriting at your local NPR station
Picnic for 8 with wine and Holly’s famous brownies!
Sponsorship Certificate
Total Value: $5,000
(*) Program listing—Over 1,000 festival attendees will be reading the program during the festival weekend. Lists your business logo, name, address, and phone number.
(**) Our website generates about 7000 hits per year, around 1000 each month from April-July.
(***) Ad in Program: email a PDF or JPEG of business card size (2” x 3.5”) to info@sierrastorytellingfestival.org